Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 86

L - By Candle Light - Average week for me. Winter is here with both it's damp yuk weather and its usual colds and flu! I have succumbed to a cold and have done nothing much more than stay warm indoors. So this is just a cozy photo from the week. Simple.

R - Graffitilicious - You can imagine my delight when I stumbled across this huge graffiti wall on East Houston at Bowery! I took this from the middle of the street with a wide focal length so you can see a little curvature in the street which is fun. I thought the wall was more interesting with the people in the foreground to show some scale.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Week 85

L - Evil Flower - This is a phone photo but I had to use it. Its a malformed Gerbera flower...with a mutation where one stem has tried to form two heads (they are a single headed flower). It looks Eeeeeviilllll! I thought this was brilliant.

R - A Night at the Theater - We went to our lovely friend Regina's wedding which was very Hollywood Glam and set in a theater. She's an actor, he works in theater so it was very appropriate. I didn't have my SLR, just a wee point and shoot but I got this shot of the photo booth that their photographer had set up. It was so much fun, everyone just grabbed the remote and some props (hats, boxing gloves, whiteboard/pens) and got creative. I soooooo need to have one of these when I get married, such a great idea. I struggled to choose between this photo and another where you can see the smear of the flying bouquet. Fun fun fun evening at the theater!

Week 84

L - Forever Temporary - The ever changing Hosier Lane in Melbourne is one of my favourite places to go. Something new every time you visit from something small to larger works like this one. Brilliant. Sadly, unlike the what it says it won't be forever and will most likely have developed into something completely different the next time I visit. Love it.

R - Helicopters - First it was the tree pollen, then all the cherry blossoms and now these wee helicopter seeds. I love the way all of the tree related things have fallen and been caught by the uneven pavement sections. The cherry blossom was great and I missed it, but managed to catch this vibrant green.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Week 83

L - Abstract Glow - I got up early last Saturday and while sitting eating breakfast I saw the wonderful pattern the sun was making as it pushed through the blinds. The colour also just happened all by itself. I like the abstract Bokeh look.....

R - New Hiding Spot - Excuses excuses this week...too many things on not enough hours in the day for editing photos. The other morning little D was sad we were getting ready to go out and he hid behind the curtain in our room with his sad pouty face on :( so dramatic!